Tuesday, October 1, 2024

October 2024 Update: Going To the Dogs

A flash fiction story of mine titled “To Every Dog His Day” recently appeared in To The Dogs: 31 Very Short Stories About Man's Best Friend from Altitude Press (cover is at left), hence the title of this month’s blog post. As a fellow writer noted, I’ve had some success with dog- and cat-themed writing, which seems to come naturally. 

I say, if it works, do it, and I’m grateful for the existence of themed anthologies and magazine issues like To the Dogs to send my work to.

Recent Publications
“Addiction, Family, and Political Intrigue,” An Interview with Susan Forest, Author of the Addicted to Heaven Series, published in Interstellar Flight MagazineSeptember 16, 2024, https://magazine.interstellarflightpress.com/addiction-family-and-political-intrigue-e1108b0a5ac0

“Biologist shines light on Norfolk’s ‘secretive’ wildlife,” Simcoe Advocate, Grant Haven News, September 26, 2024. https://www.granthaven.com/simcoe-advocate (see downloadable version of newspaper).

“Reception kicks off Norfolk Studio Tour exhibition,” Simcoe Advocate, Grant Haven News, September 26, 2024. https://www.granthaven.com/simcoe-advocate (see downloadable version of newspaper).

“We’re Back,” Polar Starlight, Issue 16, August/September 2024, published September 2, 2024, https://polarborealis.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/POLAR-STARLIGHT-16-August-September-2024.pdf
Game On: How Sports Media Grew Up, Sold Out, and Got Personal With Billions of Fans, by David Bockino, posted on the Sports Literature Association book review site, August 14, 2024, https://sportliteratureassociation.wordpress.com/2024/08/14/game-on-how-sports-media-grew-up-sold-out-and-got-personal-with-billions-of-fans-by-david-bockino/
Living With Dementia: The Collected Columns of Darce Fardy, posted on The Seaboard Review web site, September 23, 2024, https://theseaboardreview.substack.com/p/living-with-dementia-darce-fardy
Short Stories:
“Fallback,” published in Yabblins: 2, Gypsum Sound Tales, September 24, 2024.
“To Every Dog His Day,” To The Dogs: 31 Very Short Stories About Man's Best Friend, Altitude Press, published September 27, 2024.

What I’m Working On
Nonfiction has been my focus for the most part during the past month, though I am working on some other pieces as time permits.
Coming Soon
I recently read Maxie Dara’s fantasy/cozy mystery A Grim Reaper’s Guide to Catching a Killer. The “Grim Reaper” of the title is a woman named Kathy Valence, one of many soul collectors who work for a corporation known as S. C. Y. T. H. E. (Secure Collection, Yielding, and Transportation of Human Essences). Dara’s book was original, suspenseful, and sometimes laugh-out-loud funny, a great read for fans of fantasy/mystery stories. I’ll post a link to the review once it’s been published.

I have a story titled “Wheels of Progress” in Microcosm Publishing’s
This Is Your Bike on Plants: Fantastical Feminist Stories of Bicycling, Gardens, and Growth, coming soon. Kickstarter link is: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/microcosmpublishing/this-is-your-bike-on-plants-feminist-sci-fi-rooted-in-hope


Sunday, September 1, 2024

September 2024 Update: Better Writing Weather Ahead

Summer is drawing to a close, but Mother Nature did provide some highlights in August. The butterfly bush had lots of visitors throughout the month, and the sunflowers drew goldfinches, chipmunks, and squirrels. The pollinators did their work faithfully in the garden, which is starting to wind down. Usually, the return of cooler weather means rejuvenation of writing activities, which is a good thing, since I have a number of projects on the go.
Recent Publications
“Spammers,” Little Old Lady Comedy, posted August 24, 2024, https://www.littleoldladycomedy.com/all-works/spammers

Autokrator, by Emily A. Weedon, published on The Seaboard Review, August 24, 2024, https://theseaboardreview.substack.com/p/autokrator-by-emily-a-weedon
O Canada Crosswords Book 25, by Gwen Sjogren, published on The Miramichi Reader August 24, 2024, https://miramichireader.ca/2024/08/plenty-of-solving-fun-in-o-canada-crosswords-book-25/
“Family Matters: Family Relationships in Three Recent Speculative Novels,” Heartlines Spec, Summer 2024, https://www.heartlines-spec.com/family-matters-by-lisa-timpf/
What I’m Working On
I still have a number of reviews and articles in process. I’m also reading Robert McKee’s Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting. Though the title references screenwriting, I think many of the insights apply to fiction as well. Sometimes it feels discouraging because there’s no way I can remember everything McKee says, but his book made some concepts click for me that I ran across in other places but didn’t really “get” until now.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

August 2024 Update

The summer is, predictably, flying past. I’ve tried to squeeze in writing time, with mixed results. There are gardens to tend, vacations to take, and a dog to walk. It’s not all bad. I’ve been enjoying the fruits (mostly vegetables, actually) of our labours in the garden, as well as the visual beauty offered by the various flowers. At left is a photo of one of the many sunflowers we’ve grown this year (much to the delight of the local population of goldfinches, who are already raiding the seed heads.)
Recent Publications
“An Alien Walks Into a Bar,” Eye to the Telescope Issue 53, July 2024, “Strange Mixology,” edited by Gretchen Tessmer, posted July 15, 2024, https://eyetothetelescope.com/

“The Day We All Died, A Little,” published as reprint in the 2024 Rhysling Anthology, July 2024.

“Postcard from the Red Planet,” Star*Line, Issue 47.3, Summer 2024

The Heartbeat of the Universe: Poems from Asimov’s Science Fiction and Analog Science Fiction and Fact 2012-2022, edited by Emily Hockaday, Star*Line, Issue 47.3, Summer 2024

Short Stories:
“A Sticky Situation,” Havok Publishing, July 15, 2024.

"Teachable," Little Old Lady Comedy, July 31, 2024, https://www.littleoldladycomedy.com/all-works/teachable
What I’m Working On
My focus right now is completing some articles, interviews, and reviews that have been on the back burner for awhile. It’s been frustrating wanting to get to these but just not finding the time, but hopefully I can get some traction in August. On the other hand, I’m excited about sharing the word about some authors whose work I’ve really enjoyed, as well as getting some ideas I’ve had bouncing around in my head down on paper.


Monday, July 1, 2024

July 2024 Update

I’ve been working on a few pieces to submit to Chicken Soup for the Soul’s Dog and other anthologies, so a photo of Chet seems like an appropriate image to kick off this month’s blog with. Here, he is celebrating Canada Day by sporting a bandana he got from our groomer.
Recent Publications
“As Twilight Approaches,” Dreams and Nightmares 127, May 2024, https://dreamsandnightmaresmagazine.blogspot.com/2024/05/052624.html
“Five Little Dragons,” Spaceports & Spidersilk, Hiraeth Publishing, June 2024, https://www.hiraethsffh.com/product-page/spaceports-spidersilk-june-2024
“How the First Meeting Might Have Gone Down,” NewMyths Issue 67, Summer 2024, https://sites.google.com/newmyths.com/newmythscomissue67b/issue-67-stories/how-the-first-meeting-might-have-gone-down
“The Hole Story,” Polar Starlight, Issue 15, June 2024, https://polarborealis.ca/currentback-issues/
“Some Things Come Unbidden,” NonBinary Review, Issue 36: Heredity, https://www.zoeticpress.com/nonbinary-review. “Some Things Come Unbidden” was originally published in The Martian Wave 2015. The poem is accompanied by an author Q&A.
“The Wolf,” Solstitia: A Fiction Fans Magazine, Issue 1, June 2024, https://www.fictionfanspodcast.com/solstitia
“Leverage Themed Calls for Ideas and Income,” Funds for Writers newsletter and web site, June 28, 2024, https://fundsforwriters.com/

The Omega Legacy, by Bruce Golden, NewMyths Issue 67, Summer 2024, https://sites.google.com/newmyths.com/newmyths-com-home/home-page
Short Stories:
“In the Eye of the Beholder,” Havok, “Remember June,” published June 19, 2024.
What I’m Working On
Through the summer, I’m focussing on nonfiction pieces, with a couple of short story/flash fiction ideas in the queue also.
Coming Soon
My flash fiction story “A Sticky Situation” is due to appear on the Havok site July 15, and will be free for viewing on that date.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

June 2024 Update

I had the opportunity to be the featured poet in the May 2024 print edition of Scifaikuest, from Hiraeth Publishing. Being the featured poet involved having 20 poems published, and a Q&A about my writing, poets who have inspired me, and other topics. Some of the poems included in the selection inspired by reading Minimalism: A Handbook of Minimalist Genre Poetic Forms, edited by Teri Santitoro.

Another May highlight: my flash fiction story “The Queen’s Request” appeared in Havok on May 6th as part of the Remember When: May theme. The challenge of trying to write stories inspired by Havok’s monthly themes has resulted in some stories I might not otherwise have written, as well as sharpening my ability to write short fiction. 

Recent Publications
“The Mural,” Handmade Horror Stories, Second Edition, edited by M.M. MacLeod, https://www.kobo.com/ca/en/ebook/handmade-horror-stories-second-edition (“The Mural” was first published in Polar Starlight Issue 12.)
“Remember,” “Climate Change Cha-Cha,”[goat yoga in space],” and 17 other poems were included in Scifaikuest, May 2024, print, along with an interview as the Featured Poet for that edition, https://www.hiraethsffh.com/new-releases
Phasers on Stun! How the Making (and Remaking) of Star Trek Changed the World, by Ryan Britt, published on the NewMyths.com site May 15, 2024, https://sites.google.com/newmyths.com/newmyths-com-home/home-page
Reservations: The Pleasures and Perils of Travel, by Steve Burgess, The Miramichi Reader, posted May 17, 2024, https://miramichireader.ca/2024/05/reservations-by-steve-burgess/
The Road to Appledore, or How I Went Back to the Land Without Ever Having Lived There in the First Place, by Tom Wayman, The Miramichi Reader, posted May 6, 2024, https://miramichireader.ca/2024/05/the-road-to-appledore-by-tom-wayman/
Signs of Life: Field Notes From the Frontlines of Extinction, by Sarah Cox, The Miramichi Reader, posted May 13, 2024, https://miramichireader.ca/2024/05/signs-of-life-spirits-us-by-sarah-cox/
Window Shopping for God, A Comedian’s Search for Meaning, by Deborah Kimmett, The Miramichi Reader, posted May 26, 2024, https://miramichireader.ca/2024/05/window-shopping-for-god-by-deborah-kimmett/

Short Stories:
“The Queen’s Request,” Havok, Remember When: May, published May 6, 2024.
What I’m Working On
Through May, I’ve been focussing on writing more non-fiction.
Coming Soon
My flash fiction story “In the Eye of the Beholder” is scheduled to run on Havok June 19, 2024. It will be free to view at the Havok site on the day of publication.


Wednesday, May 1, 2024

May 2024 update

My poem “Leaving Home” is included in the just-released anthology Savor: Poems For the Tongue. This anthology, from Friendly City Books, is available for ordering at https://www.friendlycitybooks.com/savor

In April, I once again tackled the poem-a-day challenge. Thanks to the prompts provided, I was able to generate a number of poems, exceeding the target of 30. As a bonus, a couple of poems have already been accepted for publication!
Recent Publications

“A Regular Guy,” Star*Line Issue 47.2, April 2024.

“Mother Nature’s Farewell Tour,” Utopia Science Fiction, April/May 2024, https://www.utopiasciencefiction.com/product-page/april-may-2024

“With Neither a Bang Nor a Whimper,” Polar Starlight, Issue 14, April 2024, https://polarborealis.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/POLAR-STARLIGHT-14-April-2024.pdf

anOther Mythology, Maxwell I. Gold, The Future Fire, April 9, 2024, http://reviews.futurefire.net/2024/04/gold-another-mythology.html
Cosmic Wonder: Our Place in the Epic Story of the Universe, written and illustrated by Nathan Hellner-Mestelman, The Miramichi Reader, April 18, 2024, https://miramichireader.ca/2024/04/cosmic-wonder-by-nathan-hellner-mestelman/
Every Living Thing, by Jason Roberts, The Miramichi Reader, April 7, 2024, https://miramichireader.ca/2024/04/every-living-thing-by-jason-roberts/
The Poetry Game (Frog Pond Review Issue 4), edited by Misha Solomon, The Miramichi Reader, April 13, 2024, https://miramichireader.ca/2024/04/the-poetry-gafrog-pond-review-edited-by-misha-solomon/
The Ritual Effect, by Michael Norton, The Miramichi Reader, April 16, 2024, https://miramichireader.ca/2024/04/michael-nortons-the-ritual-effect/
Season One: Iris and the Crew Tear Through Space, by Cait Gordon, Interstellar Flight Press, April 12, 2024, https://magazine.interstellarflightpress.com/an-inclusive-future-for-space-opera-25ef33fc5bcd
Shelf Life, by F. J. Bergmann, Star*Line Issue 47.2, April 2024.
The Uber Cat and Dragon Owner Manual, by Marge Simon and Mary Turzillo, The Fifth Dimension, April 2024.

Short Stories:
“The Price of Fame,” The Lorelei Signal, April 2024. https://www.loreleisignal.com/the-price-of-fame
Humour artwork:
“Par for the Course,” Little Old Lady Comedy, posted April 11, 2024, https://littleoldladycomedy.com/2024/04/11/par-for-the-course/
What I’m Working On
In May, I plan to focus primarily on creative non-fiction.
Coming Soon
A flash fiction story titled “The Queen’s Request” will be appearing in Havok May 6th (free to view for that one day). It’s set in “Fairyland,” a world I’ve had some fun with a couple of other pieces, and features two of the Three Little Pigs trying to solve a mystery.


Monday, April 1, 2024

April 2024 Update

I was happy to have one of my poems, “First Contact,” included in The Year’s Best Canadian Fantasy and Science Fiction, edited by Stephen Kotowych. He’s targeting to put out a Volume 2 (planned cover shown to the left), based on work published in 2023. There's a Kickstarter campaign ongoing for Volume 2. Those interested in supporting this project can find out more at the link below:
Recent Publications

“Dawn, on Dorva,” Spaceports and Spidersilk, February 2024.

“Matryoshka,” Third Wednesday web site, posted March 14, 2024, https://thirdwednesdaymagazine.org/2024/03/14/matryoshka-lisa-timpf/

“Why Do I Dream?,” NewMyths Volume 18, Issue 66, March 2024, https://sites.google.com/newmyths.com/newmyths-com-issue-66/issue-66-stories/why-do-i-dream

The Astronaut Always Rings Twice, edited by Shannon Allen and JR Campbell, published in Cosmic Crime, March 2024, Hiraeth Publishing.
Dialed In: Do Your Best When It Matters Most, by Dr. Dana Sinclair, The Miramichi Reader, posted March 12, 2024. https://miramichireader.ca/2024/03/sinclairs-dialed-in-is-chock-full-of-good-advice/
Hazard, Home, by Christine Lowther, The Miramichi Reader, posted March 7, 2024, https://miramichireader.ca/2024/03/hazard-home/

Writing the Future, edited by Dan Coxton and Richard V. Hirst, Shoreline of Infinity, Volume 37, Spring 2024.

“Curve Ball,” Havok, Remember When: March, posted March 20, 2024.
“Hidden Talents,” Cosmic Crime, March 2024, Hiraeth Publishing.
“The Last Hurrah,” Havok, Remember When: March, posted March 5, 2024.
“The Secret Lives of Gargoyles,” Humour Me Magazine, Issue 19, https://humourmemag.co.uk/latest-issues/issue-19/
“How Fruit Gets Bruised,” Little Old Lady Comedy, March 5, 2024, https://littleoldladycomedy.com/2024/03/05/how-fruit-gets-bruised/
What I’m Working On
In April, I’ll be attempting the poem-a-day challenge.