Sunday, October 1, 2023

Interview by Microcosm Publishing, and an Award

Microcosm Publishing did an interview about my story “Down Memory Lane,” which is slated to appear in The Bicyclists’ Guide to the Galaxy: Bike and Book SFF Stories. A link to the interview can be found here:
Also happy to note that my poem “First Contact,” first published in Eye to the Telescope Issue 44, “Notional Ekphrasis,” finished tied for third place in the Rhysling Short Poem category. The Rhysling Awards are annual awards given by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association for the best science fiction, fantasy, or horror poem of the year. I’ve always considered myself fortunate when one of my poems is nominated for the Rhysling Anthology, so I was thrilled to have a poem place in the balloting.
Recent Publications
“Alternate World 452,” Polar Borealis, August 2023,  (this poem was previously published in Illumen, summer 2019)
“The Day We All Died, A Little,” Radon Journal, Issue 5,
“Globe Trotters,” NonBinary Review Issue 33, World Tour, September 2023.
“Late April Snowfall,” The Ultra Best Short Verse 2023: A Canadian Anthology of Poetry, Beret Days Press, 2023 (Winners and honourable mentions in The Ontario Poetry Society’s Ultra-Short Poetry Contest).
“When We Heard,” Journ-E, The Journal of Imaginative Literature, Vol. 2, No. 2, Autumnal Equinox, September 2023.
The Age of Insecurity: Coming Together as Things Fall Apart, by Astra Taylor, The Miramichi Reader, September 26, 2023,
Sentient Stones, by Susan McCaslin, The Miramichi Reader, September 11, 2023,
What I’m Working On
Lately I’ve been working on reviews and short fiction ideas. Among the books in my Reading/To Be Read pile for future reviews: Jes Battis’ The Winter Knight, and Gary Morgenstein’s A Dugout for Peace. The Winter Knight portrays Arthurian legend come to life in the modern day, with a refreshingly diverse set of characters. A Dugout for Peace is the third installment in a Morgenstein’s Dark Depths dystopian trilogy.