Wednesday, May 1, 2024

May 2024 update

My poem “Leaving Home” is included in the just-released anthology Savor: Poems For the Tongue. This anthology, from Friendly City Books, is available for ordering at

In April, I once again tackled the poem-a-day challenge. Thanks to the prompts provided, I was able to generate a number of poems, exceeding the target of 30. As a bonus, a couple of poems have already been accepted for publication!
Recent Publications

“A Regular Guy,” Star*Line Issue 47.2, April 2024.

“Mother Nature’s Farewell Tour,” Utopia Science Fiction, April/May 2024,

“With Neither a Bang Nor a Whimper,” Polar Starlight, Issue 14, April 2024,

anOther Mythology, Maxwell I. Gold, The Future Fire, April 9, 2024,
Cosmic Wonder: Our Place in the Epic Story of the Universe, written and illustrated by Nathan Hellner-Mestelman, The Miramichi Reader, April 18, 2024,
Every Living Thing, by Jason Roberts, The Miramichi Reader, April 7, 2024,
The Poetry Game (Frog Pond Review Issue 4), edited by Misha Solomon, The Miramichi Reader, April 13, 2024,
The Ritual Effect, by Michael Norton, The Miramichi Reader, April 16, 2024,
Season One: Iris and the Crew Tear Through Space, by Cait Gordon, Interstellar Flight Press, April 12, 2024,
Shelf Life, by F. J. Bergmann, Star*Line Issue 47.2, April 2024.
The Uber Cat and Dragon Owner Manual, by Marge Simon and Mary Turzillo, The Fifth Dimension, April 2024.

Short Stories:
“The Price of Fame,” The Lorelei Signal, April 2024.
Humour artwork:
“Par for the Course,” Little Old Lady Comedy, posted April 11, 2024,
What I’m Working On
In May, I plan to focus primarily on creative non-fiction.
Coming Soon
A flash fiction story titled “The Queen’s Request” will be appearing in Havok May 6th (free to view for that one day). It’s set in “Fairyland,” a world I’ve had some fun with a couple of other pieces, and features two of the Three Little Pigs trying to solve a mystery.