Saturday, June 1, 2024

June 2024 Update

I had the opportunity to be the featured poet in the May 2024 print edition of Scifaikuest, from Hiraeth Publishing. Being the featured poet involved having 20 poems published, and a Q&A about my writing, poets who have inspired me, and other topics. Some of the poems included in the selection inspired by reading Minimalism: A Handbook of Minimalist Genre Poetic Forms, edited by Teri Santitoro.

Another May highlight: my flash fiction story “The Queen’s Request” appeared in Havok on May 6th as part of the Remember When: May theme. The challenge of trying to write stories inspired by Havok’s monthly themes has resulted in some stories I might not otherwise have written, as well as sharpening my ability to write short fiction. 

Recent Publications
“The Mural,” Handmade Horror Stories, Second Edition, edited by M.M. MacLeod, (“The Mural” was first published in Polar Starlight Issue 12.)
“Remember,” “Climate Change Cha-Cha,”[goat yoga in space],” and 17 other poems were included in Scifaikuest, May 2024, print, along with an interview as the Featured Poet for that edition,
Phasers on Stun! How the Making (and Remaking) of Star Trek Changed the World, by Ryan Britt, published on the site May 15, 2024,
Reservations: The Pleasures and Perils of Travel, by Steve Burgess, The Miramichi Reader, posted May 17, 2024,
The Road to Appledore, or How I Went Back to the Land Without Ever Having Lived There in the First Place, by Tom Wayman, The Miramichi Reader, posted May 6, 2024,
Signs of Life: Field Notes From the Frontlines of Extinction, by Sarah Cox, The Miramichi Reader, posted May 13, 2024,
Window Shopping for God, A Comedian’s Search for Meaning, by Deborah Kimmett, The Miramichi Reader, posted May 26, 2024,

Short Stories:
“The Queen’s Request,” Havok, Remember When: May, published May 6, 2024.
What I’m Working On
Through May, I’ve been focussing on writing more non-fiction.
Coming Soon
My flash fiction story “In the Eye of the Beholder” is scheduled to run on Havok June 19, 2024. It will be free to view at the Havok site on the day of publication.