Thursday, August 1, 2024

August 2024 Update

The summer is, predictably, flying past. I’ve tried to squeeze in writing time, with mixed results. There are gardens to tend, vacations to take, and a dog to walk. It’s not all bad. I’ve been enjoying the fruits (mostly vegetables, actually) of our labours in the garden, as well as the visual beauty offered by the various flowers. At left is a photo of one of the many sunflowers we’ve grown this year (much to the delight of the local population of goldfinches, who are already raiding the seed heads.)
Recent Publications
“An Alien Walks Into a Bar,” Eye to the Telescope Issue 53, July 2024, “Strange Mixology,” edited by Gretchen Tessmer, posted July 15, 2024,

“The Day We All Died, A Little,” published as reprint in the 2024 Rhysling Anthology, July 2024.

“Postcard from the Red Planet,” Star*Line, Issue 47.3, Summer 2024

The Heartbeat of the Universe: Poems from Asimov’s Science Fiction and Analog Science Fiction and Fact 2012-2022, edited by Emily Hockaday, Star*Line, Issue 47.3, Summer 2024

Short Stories:
“A Sticky Situation,” Havok Publishing, July 15, 2024.

"Teachable," Little Old Lady Comedy, July 31, 2024,
What I’m Working On
My focus right now is completing some articles, interviews, and reviews that have been on the back burner for awhile. It’s been frustrating wanting to get to these but just not finding the time, but hopefully I can get some traction in August. On the other hand, I’m excited about sharing the word about some authors whose work I’ve really enjoyed, as well as getting some ideas I’ve had bouncing around in my head down on paper.