Monday, July 1, 2024

July 2024 Update

I’ve been working on a few pieces to submit to Chicken Soup for the Soul’s Dog and other anthologies, so a photo of Chet seems like an appropriate image to kick off this month’s blog with. Here, he is celebrating Canada Day by sporting a bandana he got from our groomer.
Recent Publications
“As Twilight Approaches,” Dreams and Nightmares 127, May 2024,
“Five Little Dragons,” Spaceports & Spidersilk, Hiraeth Publishing, June 2024,
“How the First Meeting Might Have Gone Down,” NewMyths Issue 67, Summer 2024,
“The Hole Story,” Polar Starlight, Issue 15, June 2024,
“Some Things Come Unbidden,” NonBinary Review, Issue 36: Heredity, “Some Things Come Unbidden” was originally published in The Martian Wave 2015. The poem is accompanied by an author Q&A.
“The Wolf,” Solstitia: A Fiction Fans Magazine, Issue 1, June 2024,
“Leverage Themed Calls for Ideas and Income,” Funds for Writers newsletter and web site, June 28, 2024,

The Omega Legacy, by Bruce Golden, NewMyths Issue 67, Summer 2024,
Short Stories:
“In the Eye of the Beholder,” Havok, “Remember June,” published June 19, 2024.
What I’m Working On
Through the summer, I’m focussing on nonfiction pieces, with a couple of short story/flash fiction ideas in the queue also.
Coming Soon
My flash fiction story “A Sticky Situation” is due to appear on the Havok site July 15, and will be free for viewing on that date.